Southwest Greens is a leader in the synthetic turf industry when it comes to research and development. Our commitment to excellence has led to the industry’s finest artificial grass products to be used for state-of-the-art custom designs. Our creativity and versatility is such that a growing number of business and building owners are looking to us as a commercial landscaping solution.
Our artificial lawns and golf putting greens are not just for homeowners any longer. The synthetic grass products we provide offer those challenged with maintaining commercial facilities many benefits. Think of the money you will save on lawn maintenance services and water bills. Meanwhile, your landscape turf will remain in perfect condition no matter the weather, and will stand up to heavy foot traffic with ease.
Not only are our products versatile, they are also safe for children and pets. They are specifically built in such a way as to reduce injuries caused by playground falls, and are 100% lead-free as well.
Commercial applications are the fastest-growing category of installations for Southwest Greens. Many commercial clients are using our artificial turf lawns and putting greens for entertainment, relaxation and exercise, including the following:
- Apartment complexes
- Senior living facilities
- Rehabilitation centers
- Golf courses and driving ranges
- Mobile home parks
- Daycare centers
- School districts
- Municipal government buildings
- Sports complexes, such as the Texas Rangers practice field

Please contact us for more information on your commercial installation project. Working together we can create a commercial landscape that uses our superlative sports turf to accentuate your outdoor space for years to come.